Second Investment in Godawari Green Energy Solar

Gold Standard

We have now offset another 25,000 ton CO2eq in a CDM and Gold Standard certified project!

Located in northern India, this large-scale, 50 MW-capacity solar thermal power project generates almost 119,000 MWh for India’s Combined Regional Grid, displacing electricity sourced from the burning of fossil fuels to reduce emissions and contribute to regional sustainable development.

India is the world’s second largest country by population, beaten only by China – and it is rapidly catching up. As its developing economy strengthens further and rapid population growth continues, India’s energy needs are rising. While the share of renewables in India’s energy mix is growing, coal still accounts for over half of its electricity production.

Located in Jaisalmer District in North India’s Rajasthan State, this large-scale solar thermal power project helps satiate India’s growing energy demands. The 50 MW-capacity solar thermal plant uses parabolic trough technology to generate almost 119,000 MWh of clean energy for the Combined Regional Grid annually, further diversifying India’s electricity mix away from fossil fuels.

On top of supplanting fossil fuels with clean electricity to reduce emissions, the project proponent commits 2% of Carbon Emission Reduction (CER) sales to community welfare and sustainable development projects. The social benefits of this include local employment opportunities that alleviate regional poverty, as well as better roads and improved basic infrastructure. The project also contributes to the transfer of environmentally sound, state-of-the-art thermal solar power generation technology in India, and encourages further technology development.

You can read more about last time we invested in this project here.

More information about this project in the Gold Standard registry (including verification and monitoring reports):

More information on the UN-site here:

Certificate: Certificate 25000 Godwari

See more pictures of the project here:

Nanyang Danjiang River Solar Cooker Project

We have for the second time invested in the Gold Standard-certified CDM-project Nanyang Danjiang River Solar Cooker Project and contributed to preventing 15 000 ton of CO2 from reaching the atmosphere. Thank you so much everyone for contributing to a cleaner and greener future!

The Nanyang Solar Project improves the indoor hygiene and living conditions of 48,000 rural households in one of the poorest regions in China. By replacing traditional coal-fired cooking stoves with clean solar cookers – CO2-emissions are reduced and the quality of life of 48,000 rural household are improved.

In the rural area of Xichuan County, Henan Province it is estimated that 76.4% of local households use coal-fired stoves as the main energy source for their daily lives. Not only do these coal stoves create harmful carbon emissions, but the large amount of wood and coal fuel they require is in dwindling supply.

The Nanyang Danjiang Solar Cooker Project enables these rural households to substitute traditional coal stoves for a solar energy alternative. 48,000 of these stoves have been distributed to seven towns in the Xichuan County, Henan Province. They are 50% more efficient than traditional coal stoves and, with an energy capacity of 876.5 W per unit, displace the CO2 that would have been generated by the fossil fuel consumption of coal fires.

With access to solar cooker methods, local residents now have a cleaner, practical and more efficient way to meet the energy demand of their daily cooking. By switching to solar power, health issues related to the excess soot and indoor smoke-pollution of coal fires have been abated. The solar cookers are distributed and maintained by the project for free, and because they no longer have to purchase coal fuel, villagers can use the money saved to buy things that improve their standard of living.

More information on the UN-site:

More information on the Gold Standard Registry:

Certificate of transaction: accountStatement

Invoice: invoice nanyang

Sustainable Development Goals this project contributes to:

1,728,061 people benefit from the implementation of this project. This frees up household incomes for the improvement of living standards.

30 jobs are expected to be created by the project implementation, directly contributing to the economic growth of the region.

48,000 solar cookers are distributed, facilitating
sustainable cooking practices
across 7 rural communities.

105 138 tonnes CO2eq removed from the atmosphere
yearly, directly contributing to climate change mitigation.

Second time offsetting in Za Hung Hydropower

We have now offset another 15000 ton CO2eq in a CDM and Gold Standard certified project! A big thank you to all our more than 2400 users for making this possible!

We have offset via the Za Hung Hydropower project before, you can read about that time here. Za Hung Hydropower is a small scale hydropower project situated at the A Vuong River in the Quang Nam province, in the South Central region of Vietnam. With an electricity generation of 114,079 MWh per year, the plant contributes to bridging the supply-demand gap in the region and improves the livelihoods of local communities where minority ethnic groups live.

More information about this project in the Gold Standard registry (including verification and monitoring reports):

More information on the UN-site here:



Bangna Starch Wastewater Treatment and Biogas Utilization Project

Gold Standard

We have now offset another 15 000 ton CO2eq in another CDM and Gold Standard certified project! A big thank you to all our more than 2300 users for making this possible!

The Bangna Starch Wastewater Treatment and Biogas Utilization Project takes care of harmful and odorous methane emissions from wastewater. The methane have been cleverly repurposed to generate biogas energy at a Cassava starch plant in the Kalasin Province. This has greatly improved the air quality in the area, and created new training and job opportunities for local workers.

Embedded in the forests at the foot of the Phu Pan hills, the Kalasin Province region is typified by agriculture. The growth and processing of Cassava starch is a huge aspect of the economy here. However these starch processing factories place significant strain on the environment, requiring a high demand of water for washing the cassava, with pungently odoured methane emissions and high fossil fuel reliance. The Bangna Biogas Project neatly addresses all of these environmental issues by replacing the old cascading open anaerobic lagoon treatment system with a modern Upflow Anaerobic Sludge Blanket (UASB) reactor system. It captures biogas from plant wastewater that would have previously been emitted into the atmosphere, instead using it to replace fossil fuels to generate electricity which is then exported to the national grid. In addition to this, the treated wastewater can now be recycled and used for cleaning the cassava, which saves many tonnes of fresh water per day.

For the local community, the air quality has improved vastly, special training opportunities have been provided and several permanent jobs created to operate and maintain the biogas facilities.

UN Sustainable Development Goals that the project also contributes to:

Treated wastewater can be recycled for washing cassava

8800 MWh of clean electricity is generated yearly

22 permanent jobs created including 15 from the local area

More information about this project in the Gold Standard registry:

More information on the UN CDM-site:

Wind Farm (Hindustan) Ltd in Karnataka, India

Gold Standard

We have now offset another 15 000 ton CO2eq in a CDM and Gold Standard certified project! A big thank you to all our more than 1800 users for making this possible!

The Enercon Wind Farm (Hindustan) Ltd project installs and manages wind turbines with a total effect of 68,8 MW in Karnataka, India. The climate benefit comes from replacing fossil intense energy (73.46 % of all energy in India comes from fossil fuels) with the renewable energy from the wind turbines.

UN Sustainable Development Goals that the project also contributes to:

The project reduces the burning of coal which means that fewer for humans harmful substances. are released in the atmosphere.

The project contributes to the economic development in the region by creating local job opportunities during installation and operation, as well as construction of roads.

The project reduces emissions of nitrogen oxides, sulfur and particulates from the combustion of fossil fuels.

More information about this project in the Gold Standard registry (including verification and monitoring reports):

More information on the UN CDM-site:

Invoice: faktura 3000891 and faktura3000906

– accountStatement – annulering
– certifikat klimatkompensering

Godawari Green Energy Solar Thermal Power Project

Gold Standard

We have now offset another 10,000 ton CO2eq in a CDM and Gold Standard certified project!

Located in northern India, this large-scale, 50 MW-capacity solar thermal power project generates almost 119,000 MWh for India’s Combined Regional Grid, displacing electricity sourced from the burning of fossil fuels to reduce emissions and contribute to regional sustainable development.

India is the world’s second largest country by population, beaten only by China – and it is rapidly catching up. As its developing economy strengthens further and rapid population growth continues, India’s energy needs are rising. While the share of renewables in India’s energy mix is growing, coal still accounts for over half of its electricity production.

Located in Jaisalmer District in North India’s Rajasthan State, this large-scale solar thermal power project helps satiate India’s growing energy demands. The 50 MW-capacity solar thermal plant uses parabolic trough technology to generate almost 119,000 MWh of clean energy for the Combined Regional Grid annually, further diversifying India’s electricity mix away from fossil fuels.

On top of supplanting fossil fuels with clean electricity to reduce emissions, the project proponent commits 2% of Carbon Emission Reduction (CER) sales to community welfare and sustainable development projects. The social benefits of this include local employment opportunities that alleviate regional poverty, as well as better roads and improved basic infrastructure. The project also contributes to the transfer of environmentally sound, state-of-the-art thermal solar power generation technology in India, and encourages further

More information about this project in the Gold Standard registry (including verification and monitoring reports):

More information on the UN-site here:

Invoice: Faktura Godwari Solar Energy

Certificate: Intyg klimatkompensation GNC okt 2018

See more pictures of the project here:

Za Hung Hydropower in Vietnam

We have now offset another 6000 ton CO2eq in a CDM and Gold Standard certified project! A big thank you to all our more than 800 users for making this possible!

The Za Hung Hydropower project is a small scale hydropower project situated at the A Vuong River in the Quang Nam province, in the South Central region of Vietnam. With an electricity generation of 114,079 MWh per year, the plant contributes to bridging the supply-demand gap in the region and improves the livelihoods of local communities where minority ethnic groups live.

Power consumption in Vietnam has been growing by about 15 percent annually. Unfortunately, the predominant use of coal-fired electricity generation contributes to large amount of greenhouse gas emissions and poor air quality for inhabitants in the areas where these energy plants exist. Hydropower is part of a plan the Vietnamese government has developed to increase access to clean electricity for its population.

The Za Hung Hydropower Plant has two turbines with a total installed capacity of 30 MW and an annual output of 114,079 MWh. The plant provides clean electricity to about 19,870 homes and helps the country to meet its growing energy demands. By offsetting the grid with clean electricity, the use of coal-fuel is reduced and as a result less greenhouse gases are emitted into the atmosphere.

The project supports sustainable development in the region by creating jobs for local villagers, and by funding the construction of road infrastructure and houses. In addition, the project owner has set up a grant fund that donates money to households affected by severe floods in recent years. Due to the Za Hung Hydropower Plant, local communities benefit from improved electricity, drainage, roads, and better air quality.

More information about this project in the Gold Standard registry (including verification and monitoring reports):

More information on the UN-site here:

Invoice: 180822 – Za Hung Project

Certificate: Intyg klimatkompensation GNC aug 2018

Landfill Gas to Electricity Project in Thailand

Thailand Landfil gas to electricity project
Thailand Landfil gas to electricity project

We have now offset another 4000 ton CO2eq in a CDM and Gold Standard certified project! The project is a landfill gas to electricity project, which means that the project extracts and captures gas from a landfill site and converts it to electricity. The electricity is used in Thailand which has an otherwise a very coal, oil and natural gas intense electricity grid – with about 12% renewables –and is planning to increase the amount of electricity coming from coal plats, which makes this project have an extra large impact.

A big thank you to all our users! Thank you so much for making this possible!

More information about this project in the Gold Standard registry (including verification and monitoring reports):

More information on the UN-site here:

Certificate: Certifikat GO Climate Neutral Thai Landfill Gas

Invoice: Kvitto Go Climate-2

Investment in Nanyang Danjiang River Solar Cooker Project

We have now invested in the Gold Standard-certified CDM-project “Nanyang Danjiang River Solar Cooker Project” and contributed to preventing 4000 ton of CO2 from reaching the atmosphere. Thank you so much everyone for contributing to a cleaner and greener future!

The Nanyang Solar Project improves the indoor hygiene and living conditions of 50.000 rural households in one of the poorest regions in China. By replacing traditional coal-fired cooking stoves with clean solar cookers – CO2-emissions are reduced and the quality of life of 50.000 rural household are improved.

More information on the UN-site:

More information on the Gold Standard Registry:

You can find the invoice here: Nanyang_invoice

Investment certificate can be found here: Certifikat_GS_2017 GoClimate China

Second Gold Standard + CDM Projekt investment: Thai Solar

Our second both Gold Standard and CDM certified project investment has been made. This time we bought another 1000 tonnes CO2. Thank you for making this possible! Together we are speeding up the transformation towards a sustainable world!

The Thailand national electricity grid provides electricity to households across Thailand. Over 90% of electricity consumed in Thailand’s grid is supplied by fossil fuel fired power plants which emit carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. Solar Power Company Limited has constructed a solar photovoltaic plant that supplies clean renewable electricity to the Thailand grid.

Read more about the project at the UN-site (CDM):

More about this project on the Gold Standard Registry:

Here is also our certificate from the investment: Certifikat_GS_2017 GoClimate

And the invoice from the investment: GoClimate F2663 kvitto

More images from the project: