My name is Evelina Utterdahl and I will be blogging here at Go Climate Neutral from now on.
I thought an introduction would be suitable so that you know a little bit more about who’s behind the thoughts and words to come.

Born and raised in the west of Sweden and I travel full time since 2,5 years and basically everything I do has some relation to sustainability and how to fight global warming.
I do talks at events, schools or organisations of which most of them are about sustainable travel, and how to travel without flying.
Social media is also kinda my thing, and I post on my own account @earthwanderess as well as being the coordinator of the international Instagram account for Extinction Rebellion. I also do the instagram for @vihallerosspajorden who started the campaign Flight Free 2020 where I am also part of the board.
You can also expect me to be part of taking care of our Instagram account at @goclimateneutral.
A bit of background of to how I got here. It started off with me traveling a lot and with that experience started writing travel articles for an online site.
While I was aware of airplanes being bad for the environment, I had no comprehension of just how big of an impact it had. I learned the numbers while stumbling over an article and was horrified. I felt so fooled as the whole world was acting as if flying airplanes and traveling across the world for leisure was something that we could do. As if it wasn’t as bad as it actually is.
I decided to quit flying that day.

The realisation of how little information about the severity of the situation we’re in had me needing to dig deeper and find out as much as I possibly could to lower my individual impact as well as use my rather big platform on social media to spread the knowledge I collected.
I am very excited to be able to come here on this platform on Go Climate Neutral, to reach a new audience where I can share all the thoughts and information that I pick up on a daily basis.
I hope you will learn new things and hopefully that my posts will also enable you to start conversations with friends, family and colleagues.
If you have any ideas of topics you’d like me to bring up, or if you have any feedback for my posts please feel free to send me a message at: